Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Web Hosting: Boosting Online Presence

Web hosting companies differ from one another and are not the same. While some offer advanced features and control, others are more simplified and easier to manage. Regardless of which platform you choose, online functionality is governed by the quality of your web hosting company, and ultimately, will affect how customers find your Oklahoma City local business through online searches. 

Access Speed

Search engines, such as Google, will use a website's access speed, among other things, to determine ranking status. While SEO experts can help you develop prime content, the hosting company’s server can be either influential or detrimental to your success. Ensure that your host is using hardware that is conducive to fast access times.

Supported Software

Beware of some hosting companies that get lax when it comes to updating needed software for blogs and websites. For example, many plugins and widgets for Wordpress may require a newer version of PHP to be installed on the system. You need a host that updates these applications regularly.


A server's uptime refers to how long the service can stay operational for Internet access. If the web host’s servers are not operational, your website cannot be accessed. You need a hosting company that can guarantee a high rate of uptime so your content is viewable online all the time.

Choose a system that is right for you while optimizing your web content, as well as employing other relevant online marketing strategies, with the help of reputable online marketing services.

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